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来源:www.zhujiage.com.cn 发布时间:2024-11-17 07:18:56


  1. 以我喜欢居住在农村为题的英语作文60词的怎样写?


1、Every day sunny, I always think of rural life. The country than the city environment of good. For example, because the country have fresh air. Also to have the very big yard, it is very spacious. There are many plants and animals, can I and friends fishing, play chess, play poker. So I like to live in the country. Village is very beautiful.


每天阳光明媚,我总是想起乡村生活。 乡村比城市环境好。 比如说,因为这个国家有新鲜的空气。 还有很大的院子,很宽敞。 有很多动植物,我可以和朋友钓鱼,下棋,打扑克。 所以我喜欢住在乡下。 村子很美。

2、I love countryside best.Because there are many kind people there.And air is nice and fresh there.We can keep healthy.And we can also keep happily.Countryside is a large area of trees and flowers.It is nice.I can play football there.I can plant vegetables and fruit trees there.So I love countryside best!



3、My home is in the city,but I like living in the village very much.Because the air in village is fresh,I will be very healthy.And there are many plants and animals,I can play with dogs,rabbits and sheep.Finally,the people in there are vey friendly,so I will enjoy myself!



4、Different people have different idea to live in the country or in the city. It's much more convinient to live in the city because there are lots of supermakets, malls, subways and parks. But I like living in the country because it is much quieter. Besides I like animals very much. I can feed lots of animals, such as dogs, cats, ducks, hens and so on. What's more, the air is fresher than in the city. I often go for a walk after supper along the beautiful path. And people are familiar with each other, they often help each other. So I prefer living in the countryside.



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