
人物 猪品种 猪疾病 养猪技术 政府政策 养猪行情


热门关键词: 母猪 11 生猪价格 玉米 猪价
母猪 | 大白 | 长白 | 二元 | 杜洛克 | 排行榜 | 猪病用药 | 杂粕价格 | 豆粕价格 | 添加剂 | 棉花价格 | 鱼粉价格 | 养鸡


来源:www.zhujiage.com.cn 发布时间:2023-07-19 03:13:45

  UK - The value of pork exported from the UK during September was up 16 per cent on the year, reaching 21.7 million.This increase occurred despite volume being down 9 per cent, at 16.4 thousand tonnes. A 26 per cent rise in average unit prices supported total export value, aided by the weak the pound which shielded most importing nations from the price rise; in euro terms the price was only up 7 per cent, for example.Significantly, shipments to China during September showed no growth on the same period in 2015 - the first month for a year with no expansion in Chinese shipments. The closely related Hong Kong market also showed a significant 37 per cent decline in volume, while exports to Denmark and the Netherlands, likely for re-export, were back 20 per cent and 22 per cent respectively.




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