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热门关键词: 母猪 11 生猪价格 玉米 猪价
母猪 | 大白 | 长白 | 二元 | 杜洛克 | 排行榜 | 猪病用药 | 杂粕价格 | 豆粕价格 | 添加剂 | 棉花价格 | 鱼粉价格 | 养鸡


来源:www.zhujiage.com.cn 发布时间:2023-07-19 03:00:18

  EU - EU pork exports appear to be slowing down, according to latest figures released by Eurostat. Since hitting a new record in June, shipments had fallen back nearly a quarter by August, to stand at 180,000 tonnes.This is the lowest level since February but remains higher than any month before the start of this year.It was also 27 per cent higher than in the same month last year. The drop in shipments is largely due to a slowdown in sales to China, although they remain well above last year’s level.




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