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由于猪价上涨 生产商占零售价格的分摊利润提高

热门关键词: 母猪 11 生猪价格 玉米 猪价
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由于猪价上涨 生产商占零售价格的分摊利润提高

来源:www.zhujiage.com.cn 发布时间:2023-07-19 02:48:07

  UK - The producers’ share of retail pork prices has now been rising for six consecutive months, reaching 37 per cent during September. This was 1 per cent up on the previous month, and 2 per cent higher than the same period last year. However, the share still remains 3 per cent lower than the 40 per cent stake enjoyed by producers during September 2014.The continuing increase in GB pig prices was responsible for raising the producers’ share of pork retail prices last month. The retail price remained static during September, at a level 1 per cent below that seen at the same point in 2015. Meanwhile, the EU-spec APP climbed 4p/kg on the previous month, and was a substantial 7p/kg higher than the September 2015 price.

  目前,英国猪肉生产商占零售价格的分摊利润持续上涨六个月,在九月间提高到37%。九月的利润比上个月增长1%,与去年同期相比,增长2%。然而目前的分摊利润依然比2014年9月生产商所获得的40%红利低3%。英国猪价不断上涨,导致了生产商在上个月占零售价格上的分摊利润提高。而零售价格依然在九月保持稳定,比2015年同期水平低1%。与此同时,欧盟标准合计猪肉价格(EU-spec APP)比上个月增长4 p/kg,比2015年9月价格显然高出7p/kg。



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