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来源:www.zhujiage.com.cn 发布时间:2023-07-19 01:14:53

  US - The US pork processing sector will be in transition the next two years. Two new state of the art US packing plants are under construction, one long-closed hog plant is expected to be modernized and reopen yet this year, a former cattle plant is planned for modernization and conversion to a hog plant, and in the last few weeks another has been added to the drawing board, write Steve Meyer and Len Steiner.In this Daily Livestock Report, some background is provided on the developments as well as some points regarding recent estimated returns for harvesting and processing hogs.

  史蒂夫·迈耶(Steve Meyer)和莱恩·施泰纳(Len Steiner)写道,美国猪肉加工业将会在未来两年转型。两间采用新工艺的牲畜屠宰加工厂正在创造当中,其中一家长期关闭的生猪屠宰加工厂有望现代化并在今年重新开放,它的前身是生牛屠宰加工厂,准备使其更新改造并转型成生猪屠宰加工厂。另一间加工厂在过去几周已经处于设计阶段。每日的畜牧业报告提供了一些研制背景,包括预期收益归报和生猪加工的要点。



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